When you operate business premises or public buildings including schools, colleges, sports and leisure centres, council offices, accommodation blocks, or any commercial premises that require public accessibility, it’s in your best interests to consider the needs of everyone.
Despite the modern evolution of architecture and technology, some buildings neglect to provide an accessible entrance for people of every ability. In the UK, there are an estimated 1.2 million people using wheelchairs and 1.5 million who have a learning disability, according to the NHS.
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The Equality Act 2010 governs accessibility in commercial premises and demands that anyone who works in, or visits, commercial premises must consider accessibility for disabled persons.
What struggles do disabled people face?
They are more likely to find shopping for products and services difficult: 41% say they struggle to buy groceries, clothing and medicines due to access issues.
When entering banks, building societies, bars, restaurants, sports and leisure facilities, cinemas and hairdressing salons, 51.5% have had access problems. Those aged 75 and older have struggled the most problems, with 53.9% of this age group finding things really tough.
By 2050, it is envisaged that 940 million people worldwide will have a disability, so health experts are calling for building designers and business owners to “make a conscious effort” to consider ways to make more disabled-friendly buildings.
What disabilities must be considered?
All disability requirements should be thought about, including access to buildings for people who use a wheelchair, as this can be particularly challenging. Those with impaired sight or hearing can suffer other issues around commercial buildings, especially when navigating airports and bus stations, for example.
People with learning difficulties may find it hard to understand some means of information and communication. Those on the autistic spectrum may struggle in premises where there is lots of clutter and noise in busy areas, for example.
Automatic doors
Automatic doors will instantly make your premises more accessible to all, providing entry into and around buildings and ensuring property owners comply with the law. Physically disabled people will enter with ease and the appropriate door dimensions will assure easy wheelchair access.
Many commercial premises choose automatic sliding doors: if your premises are subject to high footfall, these are particularly useful to avoid bottlenecks, as they offer more space than other alternatives.
Assess where the automatic door will be installed and whether this means you’ll need to provide a ramp for wheelchair and disabled access.
Installing ramps and curb cuts is the most obvious way of helping disabled people enter your premises. Without an easy way to get in and out, some may be deterred, so not only are you flouting the law, but you’re also preventing customers and potential employees from benefiting your business.
You may also wish to consider providing lifts if you are on multiple floors, as escalators are no use to someone in a wheelchair.
Easy-to-read signs
Easy-to-read signs with Braille directions are invaluable for people with visual challenges. A common complaint around places like bus stations and airports is a lack of readily available information in a format they can understand.
Create clear signage to improve accessibility. The exterior of your premises should be clearly marked with high-visibility signs to let people know how to safely access the interior.
Install Braille signs to aid those with visual impairments. Clear signage is also vital for people who have hearing difficulties, or for those with learning challenges, who may need extra visual aids to navigate the building.
You can also utilise overhead signs that can be lit up temporarily at appropriate moments, such as if there is a fire drill in progress or an emergency. This can be useful for staff visiting your premises too, as the signs can advise where meetings are taking place.
Accessible bathrooms
Having no accessible public toilets is a major reason why disabled people may not enter your premises. Ensure you have the relevant facilities for people in wheelchairs, taking into account the size and layout of the building.
In addition, ensure those with vision impairments know where the bathrooms are by having clear signage and Braille signs. Place signs above the sink letting people know where the soap is, and which is the hot and cold water. Most modern commercial premises have easy-to-use taps, so people of different physical abilities can use them with ease.
Accessible parking
If you have a car park, provide spaces that are accessible for disabled drivers. They should be clearly marked and located near the entrance to your premises. Mark them as disabled spots with the relevant logo painted on the ground. You should also have signage nearby warning of the penalties for non-disabled drivers who park there.
Disabled access in Leicestershire
By ensuring you maximise public accessibility, you’re not only helping customers and employees, but you’re also helping yourself by earning a good reputation and boosting trade. Come on, guys. Put yourself in their shoes; do the right thing and make improved accessibility for the disabled the norm!